

“Whatever the original context of a medium, it has the ability to transcend that context and extend into new and unknown contexts.”
- Amusing Ourselves to Death
I explore unique combinations of nature-inspired designs crafted with symbols, colours, lines, nature, book papers and fibre materials. Making the visual not just visual, but a trigger for inspiration.
As an independent publisher, I'm not only focus on the plot of novels, but also on typography, cover design, and binding design. It makes the reader feel immersed while reading the story. When you see it on the shelf, the story begins.

Freezing the environment, the mood, the clothes, and the colours in that moment, it becomes a time portal back to the past. As a model, I am fascinated by transmitting energy with the moment of the shutter, and I can know and understand myself better.
Media is not just a screen, it is a medium for transmitting information. My media design focuses on how to encode and decode information and transform it into minimally inaccurate, easily assimilated knowledge.
“A good story is life, just without all the boring parts.”
- Alfred Hitchcock
"An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all."
- Oscar Wilde
"l'homme de la nature et de la vérité."
- Les Confessions